05 - Knowledge
Knowledge represents the experience, wisdom, and understanding that comes from your Background.
You can add Knowledge to an Action test when it is relevant, which adds +1 to your roll. You can only add one type of Knowledge per test.
Additionally, the Director may give you clues which are directly related to your Knowledge.
The letter in the Profession column indicates which Knowledge that Priests (P), Mercenaries (M), Spies (S), and Mages (G) can start with.
Profession | Knowledge |
SG | Alchemy |
PG | The Arcane |
MSG | Barter |
MG | Customs (Foreign) |
PSG | Customs (High) |
PMS | Customs (Low) |
P | Divination |
PMS | History (Cultural) |
PMSG | History (Local) |
PMS | Politics (Local) |
MS | Martial Arts |
PG | Medicine |
M | Militia |
PMG | Nature |
MS | Navigation |
PG | Religion |
S | Subterfuge |
G | Thaumaturgy |
Always Add
When healing harm, always add Medicine to Finesse tests.
When in combat, always add Martial Arts to Strike, Shoot, or Force tests.
Always add Subterfuge to Sneak tests.
Always add Thaumaturgy to Cast tests.
Suggested Knowledge
If you have a type of Knowledge idea, pitch it to the Director! If they like it and agree, you can add it to your Knowledge instead of something else you would know.
Knowledge Descriptions
The Arcane
Customs (Foreign)
Customs (High)
Customs (Low)
History (Cultural)
History (Local)
Politics (Local)
Martial Arts