13 - Experience Points

At the end of each session your player character gains Experience Points (XP). The Director asks your character questions (see below), and for every one that you can honestly answer with a “yes” you are granted 1 XP.

You can spend the XP below to gain the benefit listed.

Cost Benefit
5 XP +1 to an Action (max 5)
7 XP Talent
8 XP Knowledge (max 8)
10 XP, successful Study test after a full day of practice Arcane Word

You can spend 5 XP to increase the value of an Action by 1, 7 XP to gain a Talent, 8 XP to gain a type of Knowledge, or 10 XP to understand an Arcane Word.

You can never have more than 5 in an Action, and no more than 8 total types of Knowledge, but there is no limit to how many Talents or Arcane Words you can purchase.

For an Arcane Word, in addition to costing 10 XP, your character must find time to spend a full day of practice using the new word and make a successful Study test at the end of that day.

When you gain a benefit by spending XP, it makes sense in the fiction and the Director should approve your choice.


  1. Did you participate in the session? (You always get at least 1 XP)
  2. Did you fail any rolls?
  3. Did your party gather at least one clue?
  4. Did you take risks to protect other people?
  5. Did you do something extraordinary? (Interacting with magic is always extraordinary)
  6. Did you have a roleplay moment with one of the other PCs that your characters has a relationship with?
  7. Did you have a roleplay moment with one of the other PCs that your character does not have a relationship with?

Additionally, you gain 3 XP every time you take a Critical Injury.

Stars and Wishes

At the end of each session, each player can optionally take a turn sharing their

If a Star or Wish is particularly good, the Director may award an additional 1 XP.