Other People

Count Lambert Nylund

Rolf Nylund's father and Gjertrud Kallastad's patron.

Lambert is a Count in the court of Amorth, and has paid Gjertrud to spy on or spread rumors about other nobles in the past. Lambert loves to point out that Gjertrud's innate charisma "makes her a natural at politics".

Lambert openly prefers Gjertrud's company to Rolf, and thinks the Magickal Arts are a waste of time. "One could be improving one's political station instead!"

He sees this sort of ambition in Gjertrud (whether it is actually there or not is up to Maddy) and is happily funding her Bardship, encouraging her to go out and "find a proper Troupe". He reluctantly funds his son Rolf because it is expected of him.

Sister Margaret

Maelynn Cadigan

May Pa'lin

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Captain Aled Povey

The Green Order

Lady Isobel, and her squire Aderyn.
Sir Nudd
Sir Taethan
Sir Perren

Ageneska (a.k.a Yaga)